This guide is designed to help you work through all phases of your research assignment, from finding information sources to preparing your works-cited or reference list. Just choose the appropriate tab at the top to get started.
If you need help with your assignment at any time, please use the chat box or contact information on the right-hand side of the page to speak with a librarian.
What is Project Management?
Project management (PM) refers to the management and control of projects and temporary organizations. Generally speaking, managing a project concerns a task to be completed with a limited set of resources—be it personnel, material, or financial resources—and within a certain period.
Lundin, R. A. (2008). Project Management. In S. Clegg, & J. R. Bailey, International encyclopedia of organization studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.mga.edu/login?url=https://search.credoreference.com/content/topic/project_management?institutionId=3733
Suggested Databases
Full text of every article ever published by ACM and bibliographic citations from major publishers in computing.
ProQuest Computing is the premium resource for those who need access to comprehensive coverage of computer topics.
Nearly 300 full text journals and magazines covering topics such as computer science, programming, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, information systems, robotics, and software.
The Information Science & Technology Abstracts (ISTA) database provides indexing and abstract coverage of topics on technology.
OmniFile: Full Text Mega Edition is a multi-disciplinary database providing indexing, abstracts, and full text from six of Wilson's databases.
Research Library provides one-stop access to a wide range of popular academic subjects and includes full-text access for thousands of titles.
Science & Technology Collection contains more than 830 full-text journals covering relevant aspects of the scientific and technical community.
ProQuest Science Journals is a resource for students studying both the applied and general sciences.
ProQuest Telecommunications is an essential resource for anyone researching the industry or its technology.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Xplore digital library is a discovery and access resource for scientific and technical content in publications for electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics.
Major source for academic journals, trade publications, market and industry research reports, company annual reports, dissertations, and working papers. Also contains country profiles and economic forecasts for most major economies.
Articles and abstracts from scholarly journals covering physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences, and social sciences and humanities.
SAGE Business Cases is the first discipline wide digital collection tailored to college students. These cases bring business to life, inspiring researchers to develop their own best practices and prepare for professional success.
SAGE Research Methods is a web-based research methods tool that covers quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods.
478-471-2709 for the Macon campus library | 478-934-3179 for the Roberts Memorial Library at the Cochran campus | 478-275-6772 for the Dublin campus library
478-374-6833 for the Eastman campus library | 478-929-6804 for the Warner Robins campus library | On the Go? Text-A-Librarian: 478-285-4898