Need FREE tutoring or assistance with other academic skills?
The SSCs provide FREE tutoring services to all currently enrolled students each semester.
A student who needs tutoring can make an appointment with a tutor in the following ways. Visit for more details.
Professional And Peer Certified Tutors
Tutors are provided for both content-specific assistance as well as general topics such as study skills and time management. Tutors are required to complete a training program certified by the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) and seek certification at the Regular, Advanced, and Master levels.
Academic Success Coaching
Academic Success Coaching at MGA empowers students to become confident, lifelong learners who are equipped with the skills, resources, and support systems necessary to succeed and achieve their academic and personal goals.
Academic Success Coaching provides holistic, personalized support for all undergraduate students at MGA. Special focus is placed on at-risk students, first generation students, and students on academic probation.
Academic Success Coaches empower students and contribute to their success by:
- Increasing students' self-awareness and their understanding and appreciation of others
- Developing students into their full potential through academics, career, leadership, relationships, and engagement
- Increasing students' overall confidence, engagement and sense of responsibility in pursuing their undergraduate goals
- Positively impacting retention, graduation rates, and satisfaction among students