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Data and Statistics

Health Sources


((PAGE NOT FOUND--TO BE UPDATED)) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Good for data on healthcare costs in the U.S.

((DEAD LINK--TO BE UPDATED)) Cancer Mortality Maps and Graphs

By the U.S. National Cancer Institute. Includes county-level data about cancer mortality rates back to 1950.

Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care

Thematic maps of health care indicators in the U.S.

Statistics on the health, education, and nutrition of children, gathered by UNICEF.


Surveys on health and health care conducted in 75 developing countries from 1984 to the present. Both statistics and raw data sets are available. Some data sets are available in GIS formats.

National Center for Health Statistics

Maintained by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Includes both statistics and microdata.


Data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Economic, social, demographic, and other data is included. This online database supports browsing, querying, pivoting, and dynamic charting as well as downloading data.

((DEAD LINK--TO BE UPDATED)) Population Reference Bureau

Statistics on 95 demographic variables, including education, health, and employment. Statistics are available at the state level for the United States, at the country level for more than 220 countries; statistics are also available for the world as a whole and for 28 world regions and sub-regions. Statistics can be displayed as rankings, bar graphs, or maps.


Statistical databases and PDF versions of published statistical sources from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Topics include finance, trade, transportation, agriculture, health, education, science, and more. OECD Data can also be accessed through the OECD.Stat database above.

((LINK TO BE UPDATED)) World Health Organization

Includes the WHO Statistical Information System (WHOSIS), with "national statistics for 70 core indicators on mortality, morbidity, risk factors, service coverage, and health systems"; and the WHO Global InfoBase, with national statistics for chronic diseases rates.

WHO/Europe Databases

Health data from the World Health Organization's European division. Includes the European Health for All Database.

Pan American Health Organization

The North and South American division of the World Health Organization.


PDF versions of the World Health Report published annually by the World Health Organization (WHO). Each report examines a different topic in global public health. Reports are available online back to 1995.

Reference Books

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