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Data and Statistics

Economic Data - Trade and Tariffs


External trade data for the European Union. This site is designed for downloading data for analysis rather than for quick access to individual statistics.

Historical Currency Exchange Rates


IMF Primary Commodity Prices

1980-present. Updated monthly.

Industry Trade Data and Analysis

From the Office of Trade and Industry Information, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.

International Trade Administration

International trade policy and statistics

National Basic Food Prices

From the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.

Tariff and Trade DataWeb

International trade data and U.S. tariff data from the United States International Trade Commission. Data goes back to 1989. Requires a free registration.

Trade Stats Express

Created by the Office of Trade and Industry Information (OTII), Manufacturing and Services, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. Includes information about trade between the U.S. and foreign countries and about trade among the states of the U.S.

UN Comtrade

International merchandise trade statistics, 1962-present.


Statistics on trade, foreign direct investment, and more from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Replaces an assortment of previously separate UNCTAD databases and statistical handbooks.


The Trade Analysis and Information System from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Comprehensive data on tariffs and other trade control measures. Requires free registration.

USA Trade Online

Extremely detailed import and export data for over 20,000 commodities. You must see a librarian and get a password to use this database.

World Investment Directory

Foreign direct investment information for 188 countries. Information available as PDFs only.

World Trade Organization

Data on international trade and tariffs.

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