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Library Tutorials

Database Tutorials A-F


EBSCO YouTube Tutorials


EBSCO Databases


EBSCO Databases allows users to search multiple EBSCOhost databases simultaneously. Select the "Choose Databases" tab within the EBSCOhost interface to select multiple databases to search. The list of EBSCO databases varies based on the institution. See the GALILEO Database Listing for a list of resources.


Contact a Campus:

478-471-2709 for the Macon campus library | 478-934-3179 for the Roberts Memorial Library at the Cochran campus | 478-275-6772 for the Dublin campus library

478-374-6833 for the Eastman campus library | 478-929-6804 for the Warner Robins campus library | On the Go? Text-A-Librarian: 478-285-4898

Middle Georgia State University Library

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