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What is Georgia Historic Newspapers Archive


The Georgia Historic Newspapers Archive is a project of the Digital Library of Georgia (DLG), a part of Georgia's Virtual Library GALILEO and is based at the University of Georgia Libraries. Since 2007, the DLG has partnered with universities, archives, public libraries, historical societies, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions to digitize historical newspapers from around the state. The archive is free and open for public use.

(Information from GALILEO)

Direct Link to Georgia Historic Newspapers


Types of Newspapers

  • African American:  Published by and for African American communities
  • Community: Published for the general population or for the citizens of a city, county, or region
  • Native American:  Published by and for Native American communities
  • Paper of Record: Authorized by a city, county, or state government to publish legal and public notice advertisements
  • Religious: Published by churches and religious organizations or publications intended for a specific denomination or religious community
  • School:  Published by secondary schools. colleges, or universities in Georgia

Contact a Campus:

478-471-2709 for the Macon campus library | 478-934-3179 for the Roberts Memorial Library at the Cochran campus | 478-275-6772 for the Dublin campus library

478-374-6833 for the Eastman campus library | 478-929-6804 for the Warner Robins campus library | On the Go? Text-A-Librarian: 478-285-4898

Middle Georgia State University Library

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