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Library Tutorials

MEDLINE with Full Text


MEDLINE with Full Text combines the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic database with links to the complete text of articles from leading medical journals. The database offers information related to the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and preclinical sciences. MEDLINE with Full Text provides full text for over 1,300 journals indexed in MEDLINE. Of those, most have cover-to-cover indexing in MEDLINE. MEDLINE with Full Text includes over 500 titles not included in Academic Search Complete.

(Information from GALILEO)

Direct Link to MEDLINE with Full Text


Contact a Campus:

478-471-2709 for the Macon campus library | 478-934-3179 for the Roberts Memorial Library at the Cochran campus | 478-275-6772 for the Dublin campus library

478-374-6833 for the Eastman campus library | 478-929-6804 for the Warner Robins campus library | On the Go? Text-A-Librarian: 478-285-4898

Middle Georgia State University Library

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